With 2.5 billion people affected, the potential impact of the mobile eye clinic ophmo is incomparable.

According to the World Health Organisation, 2.5 billion people worldwide do not have access to ophthalmological care. Eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataract, diabetic retinopathy or infections can result in blindness if they are not diagnosed and treated in time. This is a particular problem where there are few or no eye doctors – as in many countries and regions around the world.

2024 © KellyineOgwoka
With our ophmo – the mobile eye clinic – we enable eye doctors, eye clinics and local health organizations to preventively examine people in rural areas to prevent them from getting blind. Medical assistants trained by us carry out registration and measurements. With this information data is generated and visualised through an app (or PDF form). An ophthalmologist will use the data to make a remote diagnosis. The diagnosis is sent back to the medical assistant who informs the person/patient who has been examined. When used in rural areas, the ophmo case is always accompanied by two medical assistants.

2024 © KellyineOgwoka

The ophmo case
is a suitcase the size of an aeroplane hand luggage and it has a weight of 7.5 kilos. The case contains an iPad with an installed app (or PDF form) for the medical assistent, five different measuring devices and a display board for the visual acuity test as well as the accessories of the measuring devices, batteries, etc.

Easy to use
The ophmo case was developed by designers specialising in usability and user experience. This is immediately visible when you open the case and notice the colour coding that corresponds to the app, the measuring instruments and accessory compartments. What is easy to use is also easy to learn and in fact, it takes about a week for a person with an intermediate education to learn how to detect people with the ophmo case.
As the problem of ophthalmological underuse is widespread, interest in our solution is also very high. We have contacts and distributors in countries in West and East Africa. Our ophmo case has been tested at Kisii eye hospital, Kenya, run by Dr Dan Kiage. Enquiries from other countries are increasing. There is also interest from countries in South-East Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

2024 © KellyineOgwoka
Contact us
If you are interested in ordering ophmo cases or if you have any questions, please send us a message.